CV (click to access)

Masters Thesis (click to access)


My research is inspired by the incredible work being done by organizers in my mycelial networks–those who work with love and care to create opportunities for their communities to share and cultivate knowledge and relationships with one another and nature; those who support their communities in their healing from the legacies of settler colonialism & capitalism’s destructive hold on our lives; those who work toward imagining better futures by sharing ancestral knowledge, medicine, their relationships with fungi, and more. I am forever grateful for our connections.

POC Fungi Community | Centro Cultural de la Raza | The Mycelium Underground | Flora y Tierra


I have been working in collaboration with POC Fungi Community to develop research and decolonial education around Huitlacoche, a fungus that grows with and through corn.

My anthropological research around the fungus focuses on the political economic, material-semiotic, multispecies assemblages through which the fungus comes to transform and be transformed by others. 

Branding Big Sur

My Master’s research focused on semiotic constructions of nature, ownership, and expertise in the unceded Esselen lands of Big Sur, California. 

With this work I am broadly interested in how hegemonic narratives and ideologies about natural spaces get circulated, reinforced, and contested through processes of branding.

in the usnea-covered redwood forests of Big Sur in early June

Usnea (the song) was born in this forest

Multispecies Songs:
Myco-attunements, music, and placemaking

I have been theorizing the methodological framework of Myco-attunements; multisensory attunements that we can cultivate and learn through building relationships with fungi.

Listen to/learn about an ongoing collaborative multispecies songs project here!

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